Green Kindness

This is my First Post to Green Kindness, my green lifestyle and healthy living blog. Over the years, as a top model, I have been fortunate enough to travel the World and immerse myself in different cultures and traditions. From visiting Tibetan refugee camps playing with kids and young Buddhist Monks in Darjeeling India, to throwing myself into dance in the markets of South Africa. I have learned a lot through my travels both as a model and from my childhood of living on a farm. I’ve been beyond blessed to have the opportunities that so few ever get and I have never taken these blessings for granted. One of my greatest pleasures in life is healthy and green living. After traveling the world from a young age, I quickly recognized how lucky we all are and how much of a responsibility we have to live our best life for the betterment or ourselves and the future of our beautiful planet. This blog is a cultivation of that love. With daily wisdom from around the world and healthy living choices I make and have found works for me and my family on a daily bases. I hope you find joy and wisdom in the daily posts and I hope they bring you and your family closer to green living and abundant kindness. Thank you! With great love! Mary Anne Fletcher


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